Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Levels of intimacy

People need intimacy. I don’t know what the reason for people to have it but what I know for sure is that there is no such a person who would feel okay about the lack of it in his or her life. Though, there are different kinds of intimacy and there are actually such kinds you may not recognize as intimacy. There are people who make out just like that because they need this physical feeling and they need this physical activity. It is the lowest level of intimacy and to my mind there is no way to call it intimacy, it is more like an exercise or something. And the second level of intimacy is when people care about a person they make out with. They are nit people who are ready to have intimacy with any person they see but they have chosen this one and they need him or her right now. But, this kind is also more of physical feelings people have. And the third level of intimacy is colored with emotional intimacy people have and when they are making out it is the emotional stress they need and the real pleasure for them.

The place of intimacy

Most people are talking about love and sacred feelings they have towards each other. Everyone says that love is the greatest value and intimacy is of no importance in case there is love, but indeed people are acting the different way. They fall in love and they know it is a person they were looking for and they have relationships and so on. They have relationships and everything is great with those except…except the intimacy. One feels that it is not enough of something in their sexual life and people are going someplace else looking for that something they miss. They cheat on those people they love and they do it all the time looking for sexual satisfaction. People betray those they love and those who trust then for the sake of sexual satisfaction. So, tell me know of it is love people really care about? I guess such a behavior has nothing to do with love because people betray love for the sake of sexual satisfaction and if it is so than intimacy but not love occupies first place in relationships of people. So, what you were telling about we are different from animals?