Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sexual Relations

Intimacy is more than mere sexual contact and a few shared secrets. Intimacy is an evolving and growing process that requires a bit of dedication from both sides of the couple that few of us really pay attention to. As life takes over our daily yearnings and we engage in the world in some responsible manner, we can often feel that intimacy falls down farther and farther on our list of current needs. When we let the intimacy din in our relationships we often find that there isn’t much left. Rekindling that intimacy can be done and usually, if you catch it rather early, it can be done with just a little attention.

A partner needs to know that they are valued, appreciated, loved, and respected. While you and your partner may experience long periods without sexual contact, intimacy does not need to fall to the wayside. Physical connection is important but so is emotional connection. Connecting with a partner several times a day, even in short bursts of energy can help easy intimacy strains. Passionate kisses, shared secrets, and time for simply being present and engaged without distractions can help bolster that fantastic feeling you used to get when your partner was around.

Maintaining a relationship with honest intimacy means remembering, that your relationship will not maintain itself. Life can be very stressful and there may be a lot on your plate. However, without the intimate and clear connection between you and your partner, that stressful business can eventually wipe out even a solid relationship.